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     The mission of EURODRONE consist in the regulation of DRONE trafic in Europe for PERSONAL & COMMERCIAL use.
     EURODRONE purpose is based on cooperation between the different actors of the drones’ market, promoting Security and Privacy in a view of sustainability.

Omar Harti started a Bachelor degree at Sciences Po. In that program, during his third year, he followed an exchange year in Montréal at Université de Montréal. After both academic and theoric courses in politics, economics and business, he had three experiences in different compagnies, including a startup and a consulting firm. This path drove him naturally to the Master Finance and Strategy of Sciences Po. Thanks to this dual background Omar contributes to analyze the entire supply needs of the drones’ market and the isssues surrounding regulation.

Jérôme Catherine decided to do his bachelor degree at Sciences Po Paris. After two years he decided to do two internships abroad to have more professional experiences. He started whith an internship in marketing and customer service in a start-up of real estate in London. Then he moved to Porto in Portugal where he interned in a lawyer office. This 2 professional experiences enabled him to have an overview in two differents field : law and marketing. He finally decided to start a Master in Marketing in Porto at the Portuguese Institute of Administration and Marketing (IPAM). After one year he came back to Paris to continue a master degree in Marketing at Sciences Po Paris. Due to his background, Jerome took part to the Marketing and Communication part of the project to give it more possibility to get known and enable the team to reach the ultimate goal : the political implementation of the drone regulation as a European citizen initiative.

Victoire Charlet entered the master Finance and Strategy of Sciences Po after an engineering degree at Ecole des Mines de Nancy in Industrial Engineering. During her studies, she did several projects around Project Management. She also did internships in Controlling in France but also in an industrial company in Germany. Her experiences strenghten her team works skills but also her presentation skills. 
This is why in this project, she works on building one of the supports upon which will be presented the project and more precisely the website.

Alexandra Enache studied Politics and International Relations at Warwick University in the UK, where she worked as an undergraduate research assistant during her final year. After having completed her bachelor, she worked for a year in the Warwick office of the market research company Kantar Millward Brown. She joined Sciences Po for a Master’s programme in Communication and Media that will allow her to build upon her interest in social processes that underpin political communication, while exploring the transformative potential of the digital revolution. Within this project, Alexandra contributes to the elaboration of the charter, working to define the public and private dimensions that form the political space within which we articulate a regulatory framework for drones.

Mordjen Feghouli After two years at the Collège Universitaire of Sciences Po specialize in law, Mordjen went for a year in South Korea. She wanted to learn more about international relationship especially in war context as in North and South Korea; besides she took part in different cessions of Delegation for Dialogue about it. In France she worked as volunteer with different associations to set up charity and sustainable projects.
Here, Mordjen is one of the team member who promotes this great citizen's initiative.

Xiuling Wang graduated from Beijing foreign language school in China where she specializes in French language and literature. At the same time, she studied for a dual major in journalism and communication. Her intership in a chinese digital advertising agency and her undergraduate major guided her to study for a master's degree in communication in France. Member of SMI of Sciences Po, she contributes to the marketing part of this project by applying her learned knowledge in this domain.

Florence Courrech joined the master Finance and Strategy of Sciences Po after an engineering degree at Ecole Centrale de Nantes in Industrial Engineering and an exchange year at Politecnico di Milano, specialized in Finance. During her studies, she did several internships in Management and Finance consulting firms in France and in Mauritius and chose the Ethical Finance as subject for her final year thesis. These professional experiences allow her to develop project management and team work skills.
In this project, she works on the political implementation of the drone regulation and she is responsible of the preparation and registration of the file for the European citizens’ initiative process.

Esther Jung begun her college education at the Collège Universitaire of Sciences Po, in dual degree with the George Washington University in Business Studies. After two years spent in Paris, she moved out in Montréal for full year of exchange with the Business Faculty of McGill University. Having spent several months on internship in varied organization as banks, start ups and business law offices, she decided to join the Finance and Strategy Master of Sciences Po. She thrives to use her legal and business background to contribute to the charter's writing and her team project skills to federate the group around the charter presentation's shooting.

Sébastien Chapotard - After two years at the Collège Universitaire of Sciences Po in Paris, Sebastien studient one year at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. In Copenhagen, Sebastien also had an internship with Relibond, a danish Start-up. He focused during this internship on the European projects for renewable energy. He started in september 2017 a master in Finance and Strategy at Sciences Po. On our projects, he workd on the way to implement the chart into the European institutions. He used his knowledges in the European institution learnd in Sciences Po's bachelor and during his internship.

Philippe Gaudin studied for two years at the Collège Universitaire of Sciences Po in Le Havre. After which, we studied for one exchange year abroad at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, focusing on media studies and journalism. He has completed several internships for newspaper agencies, video game developers and mobile tech start-ups in Bulgaria. Philippe is currently enrolled in the Master of Media Communications, Media and Creative Industries at the School of Management and Innovation of Sciences Po Paris. Within the project, Philippe contributes with the defining of the project charter.

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